RE: [xep-support] Text Overlap

From: Henk Rutten <>
Date: Tue Nov 14 2006 - 23:10:50 PST

Hi Teus,

In your fo document you use the code:
      <fo:block font-size="12pt" text-align="left" space-before="0mm"
space-after="0mm" start-indent="24.4mm" end-indent="0mm"
text-indent="-19.1mm" intrusion-displace="line" widows="2" orphans="2"> will
do this

Setting the value '-19.1mm' of the attribute 'text-indent' to a less
negative value could help:

      <fo:block font-size="12pt" text-align="left" space-before="0mm"
space-after="0mm" start-indent="24.4mm" end-indent="0mm"
text-indent="-13mm" intrusion-displace="line" widows="2" orphans="2"> will
do this

Met vriendelijke groet,
Henk Rutten
GrafiData Deventer

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-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: []
Namens Teus Benschop
Verzonden: woensdag 15 november 2006 4:12
Onderwerp: [xep-support] Text Overlap


The, pasted in below, when run through x4u, has a text
positioning problem in the pdf output. The large "3" touches the letter "w"
of the word "will". It may be that this is due to my faulty xmlfo code, but
I am not sure where the fault could lie, and believe the code is probably is

Any help on solving this problem is appreciated.

Thank you,

Teus Benschop

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fo:root xmlns:fo=""
font-family="Bitstream Charter" font-size="12pt" text-align="justify">
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      <fo:block font-size="12pt" text-align="left" space-before="0mm"
space-after="0mm" start-indent="24.4mm" end-indent="0mm"
text-indent="0mm" intrusion-displace="line" widows="2" orphans="2">
  <fo:float float="start">
      <fo:block font-size="34pt" line-height="90%" font-weight="bold"
text-align="left" space-before="0mm" space-after="-3mm"
start-indent="0mm" end-indent="0mm" text-indent="0mm"
intrusion-displace="line" widows="2" orphans="2"
Some text <fo:inline font-size="100%" font-style="normal"
font-weight="normal" text-decoration="underline">text</fo:inline>
text<fo:footnote><fo:inline font-size="60%" font-style="normal"
font-weight="normal" text-decoration="none" font-variant="normal"
      <fo:block font-size="11pt" text-align="justify" space-before="0mm"
space-after="0mm" start-indent="0mm" end-indent="0mm" text-indent="0mm"
intrusion-displace="line" widows="2" orphans="2">
</fo:list-item-label><fo:list-item-body start-indent="body-start()">
      <fo:block font-size="11pt" text-align="justify" space-before="0mm"
space-after="0mm" start-indent="3mm" end-indent="0mm" text-indent="0mm"
intrusion-displace="line" widows="2" orphans="2"> <fo:inline
font-size="100%" font-style="normal" font-weight="bold"
text-decoration="none" font-variant="normal">3.1: </fo:inline>Footnote.
      <fo:block font-size="12pt" text-align="left" space-before="0mm"
space-after="0mm" start-indent="24.4mm" end-indent="0mm"
text-indent="-19.1mm" intrusion-displace="line" widows="2" orphans="2"> will
do this
      <fo:block font-size="12pt" text-align="left" space-before="0mm"
space-after="0mm" start-indent="25.4mm" end-indent="0mm"
text-indent="-12.7mm" intrusion-displace="line" widows="2" orphans="2"> and
will do that.
      <fo:block font-size="12pt" text-align="left" space-before="0mm"
space-after="0mm" start-indent="24.4mm" end-indent="0mm"
text-indent="-19.1mm" intrusion-displace="line" widows="2" orphans="2"> He
will do this.
      <fo:block font-size="12pt" text-align="left" space-before="0mm"
space-after="0mm" start-indent="24.4mm" end-indent="0mm"
text-indent="-19.1mm" intrusion-displace="line" widows="2" orphans="2"> He
will do this.
      <fo:block font-size="12pt" text-align="left" space-before="0mm"
space-after="0mm" start-indent="25.4mm" end-indent="0mm"
text-indent="-12.7mm" intrusion-displace="line" widows="2" orphans="2"> He
will do this.
      <fo:block font-size="12pt" text-align="justify" space-before="0mm"
space-after="0mm" start-indent="0mm" end-indent="0mm"
text-indent="3.2mm" intrusion-displace="line" widows="2" orphans="2">
<fo:block span="all"></fo:block>

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