[xep-support] xep namespace problem

From: Chris Chiasson <chris@chiasson.name>
Date: Fri Jan 26 2007 - 09:48:29 PST

After much teeth gnashing, I have isolated a problem with rendering
pdfs in XEP Version 4.9 build 20070115 January 15th, 2007 down to this
simple (modified) fo file:


The snipped output of XEP is included at the end of this email. Notice
the namespaces complaint:

      [xep] [Fatal Error] .data:3:116: The prefix "xmlns" cannot be
bound to any namespace explicitly; neither can the namespace for
"xmlns" be bound to any prefix explicitly.

Since the document processes without errors when the inline foreign
object is removed, I assume XEP is complaining about one of the
attributes in:

<svg:svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"

xmlns:svgmath="http://www.grigoriev.ru/svgmath" height="14.611157pt"
                                width="56.023438pt" viewBox="0
-11.192212 56.023438 14.611157">

Is that a legitimate complaint?

XEP output:

      [xep] (document
      [xep] [system-id file:/C:/Documents and Settings/Chris/My
      [xep] (validate
      [xep] [validation OK]
      [xep] )
      [xep] (compile
      [xep] (masters
      [xep] (sequence-master
      [xep] [master-name first]
      [xep] )
      [xep] )
      [xep] (sequence
      [xep] [master-reference first]
      [xep] (flow
      [xep] [flow-name xsl-region-body]
      [xep] [Fatal Error] .data:3:116: The prefix "xmlns" cannot be
bound to any namespace explicitly; neither can the namespace for
"xmlns" be bound to any prefix explicitly.
      [xep] [error] Failed to create image
      [xep] ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICA8c3ZnOnN2ZyB4bWxuczpzdmc9Imh0dHA6Ly93
<more lines of base 64 output snipped/>
      [xep] ICAgICAgICAg of type image/svg+xml
      [xep] [error] com.renderx.graphics.ImageFormatException:
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The prefix "xmlns" cannot be bound to
any namespace explicitly; neither can the namespace for "xmlns" be
bound to any prefix explicitly.
      [xep] )
      [xep] )
      [xep] )
      [xep] (format
      [xep] (sequence
      [xep] [master-reference first]
      [xep] (flow
      [xep] [1]
      [xep] [2]
      [xep] [3]
      [xep] [4]
      [xep] [5]
      [xep] [6]
      [xep] [7]
      [xep] )
      [xep] (static-content
      [xep] [1]
      [xep] [2]
      [xep] [3]
      [xep] [4]
      [xep] [5]
      [xep] )
      [xep] )
      [xep] )
      [xep] (generate
      [xep] [output-format pdf]
      [xep] [1]
      [xep] [2]
      [xep] [3]
      [xep] [4]
      [xep] [5]
      [xep] )
      [xep] )

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Received on Fri Jan 26 09:58:43 2007

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