Re: [xep-support] xep namespace problem

From: Michael Sulyaev <>
Date: Sat Jan 27 2007 - 03:57:12 PST

Hello Chris,

If further help is required, please describe your environment, and the
way you invoke XEP. See comments inline.

G. Ken Holman wrote:
> I'm getting no XML error messages with that file.

I am not getting the error message either.

>> [xep] [Fatal Error] .data:3:116: The prefix "xmlns" cannot be
>> bound to any namespace explicitly; neither can the namespace for
>> "xmlns" be bound to any prefix explicitly.
> That message tells me that you have the following in your XML:
> xmlns:xmlns="something"

There is nothing like this in the source XML.
The xmlns="" attribute node alters the
*default* namespace for current element and it's descendants to that of
MathML. The current element has svg: prefix, which is correctly bound to
SVG namespace. There are no descendants without a namespace prefix.
Thus, the xmlns= statement just does nothing in the presented XML, and
the simple solution is to remove it.

I have found the error message mentioned above in
org/apache/xerces/impl/msg/ of Xerces-J 2.9.0.
However, searching in the sources of jdk1.6.0 at
com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/impl found nothing relevant, probably
because the built-in Xerces is 2.6.2.

All this is mystifying, so please describe your environment to make the
error reproducible.

Best regards,
Michael Sulyaev
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