[xep-support] Page number and total pages encoded in barcodes

From: John Cavalieri <john.cavalieri@gmail.com>
Date: Mon Feb 12 2007 - 11:51:15 PST

Hi XEP developers,

With FOP's Barcode4j extension, the page number can be encoded into a
barcode. I don't know if there is an option for including the total number
of pages.



I know of the RenderX provides demo barcode stylesheets and that SVG can be
added to the FO. However this does not help much for adding the page number
to the barcode.

So, can the intermediate application/XEP format be used get the page numbers
and can an barcode image (SVG, etc) be inserted into the application/XEP
document? If so what would be the recommended steps for creating a
placeholder, etc?

John Cavalieri

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