Dear All,
It seems like perhaps a bug in xep.
While running xep, with the following message:
(flow [1]
[error] no space for an element, trying to recover
(static-content [1][2])))
(generate [output-format pdf][1][2]))...
this is because there is fo-objects that are told to keep together in a
pages, and this is larger than the page size, so it recovers but putting
'overflow' onto the next page.
however, the next fo:objects are told to keep together as well, and this
seems to be ignored.
to demonstrate this problem i have included (where first page creates a no-space-for-an-element, which later
makes second set of fo-objects not keep-together) (where first page has no problem, which makes second set of
fo-objects keep-together without problems)
any ideas what the issue is?
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