[xep-support] <informalfigure/> float?

From: David Nedrow <dnedrow@mac.com>
Date: Tue Mar 20 2007 - 02:48:52 PST

I've been trying to accomplish something that would appear to be
relatively easy. But it's stumping me. I'm not sure if this is
something XEP simply doesn't do, or if I'm screwing up my markup.

(Using XEP 4.9 and DocBook XML 4.4, and DocBook Stylesheets 1.70)

I'd like to have a captioned informal figure around which the text


     <informalfigure floatstyle="outside">

Given something similar to the above, shouldn't I expect the text to
flow around as many as three sides of the figure?

I've tried a number of float/floatstyle variants in my
<informalfigure/> tag, but no joy.


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