Dave Pawson wrote:
On 13/08/07, Andy Black <andy_black@sil.org> wrote:
I'm wondering if there is a way to get a table caption to center over the
width of the (left-aligned) table that it is the caption for. I've only
been able to get a table caption to center within the page width itself.
<fo:table-and-caption width="4in">
<fo:block font-weight="bold" start-indent="1in"
keep-with-next.within-page="10">This is the caption</fo:block>
I.e. fix the width of the table,
then estimate 'center' for the table,
then indent that far?
Thanks, Dave. It looks like that will work, but it will require the
user to know not only the width of the table, but also the width of the
caption in order to get things to come out right.
Unfortunately, in my case the assumption is that the user knows neither
the width of the table nor the width of the caption ahead of time.
That is, I was hoping that the rendering engine would be able to
calculate all of these automatically since it knows these widths.
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Received on Tue Aug 14 09:55:30 2007