[xep-support] XML catalog resolution for stylesheet

From: Alejandro Masino <amasino@atsec.com>
Date: Sat Oct 06 2007 - 14:38:05 PDT

I am using the apache catalog resolver in a building environment where I
use Ant, Saxon and Render X. All catalog resolutions work fine with the
exception of the stylesheet passed to the Render XSLDriver.

The following is the Ant code that I am using for Render X:

> <java
> fork="true"
> classname="com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver"
> classpathref="xep.classpath"
> classpath="${prjdir}">
> <arg value="-xml"/>
> <arg value="${report-file}"/>
> <arg value="-param"/>
> <arg value="prjdir=${prjdir}"/>
> <arg value="-param"/>
> <arg value="prjfile=${prjfile}"/>
> <arg value="-param"/>
> <arg value="xmldir=${xmldir}"/>
> <arg value="-param"/>
> <arg value="dbg=${dbg}"/>
> <arg value="-xsl"/>
> <arg value="${xmldir}/StylesheetWithProblems.xsl"/>
> <arg value="-pdf"/>
> <arg value="${pdf-file}"/>
> <sysproperty key="com.renderx.xep.CONFIG"
> value="${xepdir}/xep.xml"/>
> <sysproperty key="com.renderx.sax.entityresolver"
> value="org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver"/>
> <sysproperty key="com.renderx.jaxp.uriresolver"
> value="org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver"/>
> </java>
With this target, stylesheets included and imported by
StylesheetWithProblems.xsl are properly resolved (they have an URL
prefix). However, if the StylesheetWithProblems.xls is itself prefixed
with an URL in this script (that is, xmldir has the value
"http://hostname/directory/xml"), the script fails.

Is this a limitation of the XSLDriver class, in the sense that it only
calls the resolver for the documents referenced by the main stylesheet,
or am I missing a parameter here?

Thanks for your cooperation,


Alejandro Fabio Masino
atsec information security
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