At 2007-10-14 15:39 -0400, Jerry Janofsky wrote:
>I have an issue where I am generating XSL:FO that looks like this
>(see below) because my XSLT disables output escaping. This
>understandably causes trouble with XEP 4.6, it ignores the line.
As it should.
>I could avoid this problem if XEP could understand
>this: </fo:table-row> instead of </fo:table-row> Does it?
It doesn't and it shouldn't. Why would the text string
</fo:table-row> be considered markup? The whole reason we have
markup is to avoid such things.
> <?javax.xml.transform.disable-output-escaping ?>
> </fo:table-row>
> <?javax.xml.transform.enable-output-escaping ?>
The fact that you are doing this on the end of a table row indicates
to me that the original transform could probably be written in such a
way as to avoid the need for escaping in the first place. When one
starts "tricks" to get around a poorly-written algorithm, problems
are bound to creep up in the long run. As now.
The *sole* use-case for disable-output-escaping is for sending markup
such as HTML that cannot be expressed in XML except as a text string
to a remote system that needs to understand the non-XML as markup not
as text. It is not designed for use in hand-crafting pseudo-markup
to make a transform "easy".
And, anyway ... you are dealing with table rows ... did you consider
the cell-based row-grouping strategy instead of the row-based
row-grouping strategy and just use the starts-row= and ends-row=
attributes to signal the start or the end of a row?
I've come into broken projects as the "fix-it" guy only to find such
abominations as "</fo:table-row><fo:table-row>" because the
original stylesheet writer didn't take the time to either code the
algorithm correctly (which takes some thinking; the writer was taking
a "programming approach" instead of a "templating approach" to the
problem) or use the alternative approach available in XSL-FO of using
cell-based properties.
I recommend you study the use of XSLT and XSL-FO and fix your
original transform such that d-o-e is never used, and then you won't
have any such problems.
I tell my students "if you think you need disable-output-escaping,
then think again because you probably don't and you definitely shouldn't".
I hope this helps (though I doubt it is what you wanted to hear).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken
-- Comprehensive in-depth XSLT2/XSL-FO1.1 classes: Austin TX,Jan-2008 World-wide corporate, govt. & user group XML, XSL and UBL training RSS feeds: publicly-available developer resources and training G. Ken Holman Crane Softwrights Ltd. Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0 +1(613)489-0999 (F:-0995) Male Cancer Awareness Jul'07 Legal business disclaimers: ------------------- (*) To unsubscribe, send a message with words 'unsubscribe xep-support' in the body of the message to from the address you are subscribed from. (*) By using the Service, you expressly agree to these Terms of Service on Sun Oct 14 14:56:21 2007
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