Andy Wu wrote:
> I'm finding that the output of tables is not consistent between 2
> different deployments of XEP - one on Windows, the other on Linux.
> Both are running the same versions of XEP so OS is the only
> differentiating factor I can see between the 2. Is there anything I'm
> missing or are these indeed bugs?
Hello Andy,
XEP is a Java application. If the same Java program produces different
results in different systems and/or JREs, it must be an issue of the JRE
on a particular system. But I hope this is not the case, and you might
be making a mistake declaring exactly the same versions of XEP and
exactly the same configurations of XEP producing so much different
results on Linux and Windows.
Please send a minimal source FO file which shows the three issues you
observe, so that me or somebody else on the list can reproduce (or fail
to reproduce) your results.
-- Best regards, Michael Sulyaev ------------------- (*) To unsubscribe, send a message with words 'unsubscribe xep-support' in the body of the message to from the address you are subscribed from. (*) By using the Service, you expressly agree to these Terms of Service on Tue Feb 26 10:54:57 2008
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