This issue has come up a few times, but the responses have been
sparse and sometimes tantalizing in the promise of a solution. Would
it be possible to put on the record in this thread any available
wisdom on the issue of accessing small caps with XEP? I get the sense
that there is a solution out there, but I can't for the life of me
winkle it out of the archives...
Render-X states that font-variant is not supported. If not, then what
please is the prognosis?
There was a suggestion made in 2003
(http://services.renderx.com/lists/xep-support/0394.html) that the
problem lies in a lack of mapping information in the font. Is this
still true? As far as I can tell, the font I am using (the latest
OpenType version of Adobe Garamond) has all of the small-cap glyphs
named with a suffix (".sc"), and there are plenty of applications
(including those using CSS) which seem to have no problems accessing
these small-cap glyphs.
Despite the stated lack of support, there has been some suggestion
that it is possible. Is it indeed so? Is it possible to access the
small-caps in an OpenType font?
My "solution" for a while now has been to dig out a dedicated SC font
from an old version of the typeface I am currently using (Adobe
Garamond). The problem with this is that this ancient version of
Adobe Garamond is missing a great many glyphs, and the small-caps are
markedly inferior in their proportions to those in the current
Premier Pro package.
Many thanks...
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