$ diff a1.fo b1.fo
< <fo:list-item-body start-indent="body-start()"><fo:block id="Paragraph_4" font-size="12pt" font-family="Times New Roman, Times, Symbol, serif" font-weight="bold"><fo:inline>Project Name: </fo:inline><fo:inline>Amex</fo:inline></fo:block></fo:list-item-body> </fo:list-item>
> <fo:list-item-body start-indent="body-start()"><fo:block id="Paragraph_4" font-size="12pt" font-family="Times New Roman, Times, Symbol, serif" font-weight="bold"><fo:inline>Project Name: Amex</fo:inline></fo:block></fo:list-item-body> </fo:list-item>
$ diff a1.xep b1.xep
< <xep:text value="oject Name: " x="137894" y="737704" width="64632"/>
< <xep:text value="Amex" x="202526" y="737704" width="29988"/>
> <xep:text value="oject Name: " x="137894" y="737704" width="63972"/>
> <xep:text value="Amex" x="201866" y="737704" width="29988"/>
< 202.526 737.704 moveto
> 201.866 737.704 moveto
Justin Lipton wrote:
Is there a way to make the rendered PDF ignore these redundant inlines such that the PDF output would be identical in both cases?
We're trying to get PDF unit tests working and this seems to be tripping us up. Stripping them out as part of the FO generation would really complicate our existing XSLT transforms.
Hello Justin,
Generated PDF files may not be binary identical even for one and the same input, at least because they contain datetime fields which obviously vary. File size may also differ, at least because compression methods are not expected to produce outputs of equal size even if inputs are of equal size.
I'd suggest not to waste time doing unit tests on PDF, but rather consider using XEP Intermediate Format output for this purpose. These are text files (XML actually), so diffing is fast, and if you need to see the difference some way, xmldiff may help.
Another approach is to use a rasterizer (e.g. GhostScript) to produce raster images from PDF files and compare them pixel-wise page-by-page. Sounds a bit complicated, but it works, and may be extended to produce visible 'symmetric' difference images for pages that differ, if you need it.
Michael Sulyaev
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