RE: [xep-support] Hyphenation tip

From: Jan Tošovský <>
Date: Mon Sep 21 2009 - 06:44:42 PDT


> > I have another issue in narrow table columns, where extra long line
> of text is used. It is obvious that line must be wrapped, but it is
> hyphenated on strange position. If soft hyphen characters are added,
> they are not preffered and some unknown logic behind is used instead.
> >
> > Example:
> > UploadVcsPath, with soft hyphens Upload-Vcs-Path is broken to
> UploadVc-sPath
> > LogOutAction, with soft hyphens Log-Out-Action is broken to LogOutAc-
> tion

> You could (programmatically?) add zero-width spaces in the places where
> you want the breaks. The DocBook XSLs have some code that does that for
> URLs.

I need hyphenation character at line break so soft hyphen is used in my case. It is inserted manually at appropriate place (only few places so there is not necessary to apply any sophisticated algorithm and do it programmatically), but as I said, such inserted characters have no precedence over default hyphenation behaviour

Supposed behaviour if text can't fit its area:
1. is there a white space? Break line at this position
2. is there a special character like hyphen or soft hyphen? -"-
3. if no character match criteria above, use hyphenation pattern
4. if no pattern is available for given word, break line as necessary

I think current order is different.


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