[xep-support] Warnings and Errors

From: John Maddock <john@johnmaddock.co.uk>
Date: Wed Nov 11 2009 - 10:16:04 PST


I'm looking for ways to make automated builds more robust, the problem I
have at present is that:

* Some things that are flagged as [ERROR] are actually harmless.
* Some things that are flagged as [WARNING] are actually genuine errors.
* There appears to be way to force the processor to fail if it encounters an
error - which leaves me checking build logs manually - or else having to
write a grep script to spot the issues I'm concerned about.

For example:

[error] no space for an element, trying to recover

Now the thing is there's no way I can tell from that whether it did recover
or not - for example if the content overflowed the right hand margin and
fell off the page that's an error I'm worried about, but I also see this
same message if say a table or paragraph didn't fit on the end of the page
and got bumped down one page - and that I really don't care about :-)


[warning] Could not retrieve image from
java.io.IOException: HTTP response status is 404

Now this one IMO should not be a warning at all, it really should be an
error if external content can't be obtained: in this case the path is
incorrect, and it's a typical error that I have to fix, having this as a
warning is no use to me at all, I'd really like the pdf generation to fail
at this point.

So... are there any tricks I'm missing to make automated builds more robust?

Thanks in advance, John.

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Received on Wed Nov 11 10:38:46 2009

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