[xep-support] Re: Links to repeating headers

From: Jan To¹ovskı <j.tosovsky@gmc.net>
Date: Wed Oct 19 2011 - 07:08:18 PDT

Dear Ken,

thanks a lot for your deep analysis.

> Have you tried using a marker? In your static content retrieve a
> marker of a given name. At the start of your body flow, define the
> marker to include the anchor, then immediate define the marker to be
> empty. That defined marker will be retrieved only once, it will be
> on the first page of your page sequence, and subsequent pages will
> retrieve the empty definition.

Markers seem to be a great idea.
But I have difficulties in implementing it.

In my flow I use the following definition:
<fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
   <fo:marker marker-class-name="target">
      <fo:block id="{$id}"/>

In the static content

There is no other element with this ID. But when my flow overflows the page, the link still points to the last page - like that ID would be in every header (althought there is no marker on that particular page). That retrieve-position value should be, according to http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl11/#retrieve-position exactly what I need. Am I missing something?



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