[xep-support] Re: CoolTool - Line Numbering version 2

From: David Clunie <dclunie@dclunie.com>
Date: Fri Aug 29 2014 - 06:50:58 PDT

Thanks Kevin

This seems to work pretty well.

As you pointed out earlier I think, the line numbering in this
stylesheet is dependent on the (arbitrary) ordering in which
<xep:text/> elements (with unique y position values) are
encoded within each <xep:page/>.

The net effect is an occasional out of order line, like the
heading line, which happen to be written out later in my

I have started playing around with trying to identify and sort
(numerically) the unique y positions within a page, and then
using the (index) of them as the line number instead ... I will
let you know how I go with this.


On 8/28/14 5:23 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:
> OK, we had a few inquiries already so I modified the latest CoolTool for
> line numbering.
> 1) Accessibility
> If you had Accessibility turned on and ran the XSL, the resulting XEP file
> would fail to format by RenderX. This is because the RenderX PDF producer
> when in Accessibility mode is expecting some Xpath expression on every text
> element. Accessibility (aka tagged PDF or Section 508 compliant PDF) does
> many things, one of which is to build a complete Xpath of all parts of a
> document inside the PDF so it can be navigated and read out loud.
> So the new XSL below has a param which you would set to enable this in the
> output. It just copies the Xpath of the element it is on. This is acceptable
> since I also mark the line number as a "PDF Artifact" which means it would
> be disregarded by screen readers and such.
> Note: I implemented this feature before and forgot, we have legislative
> customers that actually want the line numbers in the content and read out
> loud using alternative text. Thus, you can get screen readers to read the
> resulting PDF like this:
> "Line number 1. The State of California hereby declares"
> "Line number 2. that the following resolutions shall be regarded"
> ...
> 2) Font for line numbers
> Another person requested the ability to specify the font for the line
> numbers and not use the font that is on the line in question. The XSL has
> that changed inserted (you can certainly change or remove if you like).
> There is a variable at the top in which you can set the font size ("fsize").
> It takes RenderX units which are 1/100 of a pt. This XSL defaults to 9000 or
> 9pts. Just like with the color, you would put down the color you want for
> the text of the line number and now the font, then after you put down the
> line number you restore the previous color and font.
> You can certainly remove either or both the color and font.
> Kevin Brown
> RenderX
> **** Changed XSL ****
> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
> xmlns:xep="http://www.renderx.com/XEP/xep"
> version="2.0">
> <!--true() for Accessible documents,
> false() if you are not producing Accessible documents -->
> <xsl:param name="access" select="true()"/>
> <xsl:variable name="xpos" select="10000"/>
> <xsl:variable name="tolerance" select="1000"/>
> <xsl:variable name="numcolor" select=".2"/>
> <xsl:variable name="fsize" select="9000"/>
> <xsl:template match="xep:text">
> <xsl:variable name="ypos" select="@y"/>
> <xsl:variable name="test1"
> select="preceding-sibling::xep:text[not(@y=$ypos)]"/>
> <xsl:variable name="test2" select="distinct-values($test1/@y)"/>
> <xsl:variable name="linenum" select="count($test2) + 1"/>
> <xsl:variable name="numbering"
> select="string(preceding-sibling::xep:pinpoint[1]/@value)"/>
> <!-- if the "Y" is unique, put down a linenumber -->
> <xsl:if test="not(preceding-sibling::xep:text/@y = $ypos) and
> ($numbering='' or $numbering='numbered')">
> <xep:gray-color gray="{$numcolor}"/>
> <xep:font family="Helvetica" weight="400" style="normal"
> variant="normal" size="{$fsize}"/>
> <xep:text x="{$xpos}" y="{$ypos}" value="{$linenum}"
> width="7000">
> <!-- Add accessibility attribute, mark as Artifact -->
> <xsl:if test="$access">
> <xsl:attribute name="xpath">
> <xsl:value-of select="@xpath"/>
> </xsl:attribute>
> <xsl:attribute name="pdf-structure-tag">
> <xsl:text>Artifact</xsl:text>
> </xsl:attribute>
> </xsl:if>
> </xep:text>
> <xsl:copy-of select="preceding-sibling::*[contains(name(),
> 'font')]"/>
> <xsl:copy-of select="preceding-sibling::*[contains(name(),
> 'color')]"/>
> </xsl:if>
> <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
> </xsl:template>
> <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
> <xsl:copy>
> <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
> </xsl:copy>
> </xsl:template>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin Brown [mailto:kevin@renderx.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 11:30 AM
> To: kevin@renderx.com; 'RenderX Community Support List'
> Subject: RE: [xep-support] CoolTool - Line Numbering
> And attached is a sample output. As you can see at the very end, the issue
> would exist with the last row of the table where it numbers 29-27-28. This
> is because the last cell in that row is done first (yielding 27 and 28) then
> the next cell with "higher" content is encountered (29). You would have this
> limitation if you bottom align things and they vary in height.
> Note: This also shows that the font-size of the number picks up from the
> content encountered. You could certainly modify that behavior also in the
> style sheet and use a fixed font size. You would need to implement this just
> like the color, getting the previous value and outputting that back after
> you put down the line number.
> Kevin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Xep-support [mailto:xep-support-bounces@renderx.com] On Behalf Of
> Kevin Brown
> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 11:18 AM
> To: 'RenderX Community Support List'
> Subject: [xep-support] CoolTool - Line Numbering
> As I posted before, RenderX has an extension called "rx:ruler" that can be
> used to lay down numbers on a page. This is not a true "line numberer", it
> is a measuring stick. It was created for a very specific application
> (legislation) and met the requirements of the customer. It was included into
> XEP then and never documented, but it is there for all to use.
> On another project, I developed an identity XSL that can be applied to the
> RenderX Intermediate Format (XEPOUT) to understand lines of text and create
> a numbering system. In XEPOUT, all text is represented by the <xep:text>
> element. An <xep:text> element will also carry information on its position
> (i.e. the "y" position on the page). A very simple 2.0 XSL can be used to go
> through the document and inject line numbers at a specified location when an
> <xep:text> element whose "y" is different from than last one. It is
> important to have the "y" is different because you may have phrases on the
> same line in different <xep:text> elements especially in the case of
> kerning.
> There are a few limitations in this method, specifically in the area of
> tables. Tables in XEP rendered into XEPOUT do not necessarily follow
> document order. You could design a table cell with say the cell contents
> aligned to the bottom and have differing numbers of lines of text in the
> cell. XEP outputs tables right to left, top to bottom and something like
> this would get numbered incorrectly (the "Col" in "Col 3" would come before
> the "Big" in "Big Col 2" in the XEPOUT.
> Big
> Col Col Col
> 1 2 3
> The variable "xpos" is the X position where you want to line numbers.
> I also had added a tolerance variable but did not have to implement it. You
> certainly could do so. You would likely need it if you have
> superscript/subscript.
> The variable "numcolor" is a gray color value, you could of course do
> something different.
> This solution also makes use of adding <xep:pinpoint> elements into the
> document to mark areas where you do not want to number. I used this for
> excluding header/footer areas. One would do something like this in the
> static-content areas. The pinpoints will be dropped into the XEPOUT to mark
> the area where you do not want numbers,
> <fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-before">
> <fo:block><rx:pinpoint value="notnumbered"/></fo:block>
> <fo:list-block font="10pt Helvetica"
> provisional-distance-between-starts="5in"
> provisional-label-separation="0in">
> <fo:list-item>
> <fo:list-item-label end-indent="label-end()">
> <fo:block text-align="start" font-weight="bold"> Block
> Properties - Borders </fo:block>
> </fo:list-item-label>
> <fo:list-item-body start-indent="body-start()">
> <fo:block text-align="end">
> Page <fo:page-number/>
> </fo:block>
> </fo:list-item-body>
> </fo:list-item>
> </fo:list-block>
> <fo:block><rx:pinpoint value="numbered"/></fo:block>
> </fo:static-content>
> Anyway, here is the sample XSL free for all to use and modify. If you find
> it useful, great. Make any modifications and please post it back for all.
> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
> xmlns:xep="http://www.renderx.com/XEP/xep"
> version="2.0">
> <xsl:variable name="xpos" select="10000"/>
> <xsl:variable name="tolerance" select="1000"/>
> <xsl:variable name="numcolor" select=".2"/>
> <xsl:template match="xep:text">
> <xsl:variable name="ypos" select="@y"/>
> <xsl:variable name="test1"
> select="preceding-sibling::xep:text[not(@y=$ypos)]"/>
> <xsl:variable name="test2" select="distinct-values($test1/@y)"/>
> <xsl:variable name="linenum" select="count($test2) + 1"/>
> <xsl:variable name="numbering"
> select="string(preceding-sibling::xep:pinpoint[1]/@value)"/>
> <!-- if the "Y" is unique, put down a linenumber -->
> <xsl:if test="not(preceding-sibling::xep:text/@y = $ypos) and
> ($numbering='' or $numbering='numbered')">
> <xep:gray-color gray="{$numcolor}"/>
> <xep:text x="{$xpos}" y="{$ypos}" value="{$linenum}"
> width="7000"/>
> <xsl:copy-of select="preceding-sibling::*[contains(name(),
> 'color')]"/>
> </xsl:if>
> <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
> </xsl:template>
> <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
> <xsl:copy>
> <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
> </xsl:copy>
> </xsl:template>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
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Received on Fri Aug 29 14:05:05 2014

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