[xep-support] Absolute position relative to container

From: Darren Munt <darrenm_at_ADDRESS_REMOVED>
Date: Thu Apr 06 2017 - 01:27:15 PDT

I want to align some block-containers within a containing block. I'm not sure if that is possible, or maybe I need a different document structure.

                Some stuff
                <fo:block-container width="3cm" height="4cm" position="absolute" top="1cm" left="5cm">
                                Some other stuff

So what I want is for the block-container to be positioned 1cm from the top and 5cm from the left of the top left corner of the parent block.

When I try this, position is relative to the xsl-region-body.

What am I doing wrong? I realise that the container is taken out of the flow, so this is obviously not the right way to do it.

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