[xep-support] Adding Japanese fonts

From: Mark Giffin <mgiffin_at_ADDRESS_REMOVED>
Date: Tue Jun 13 2017 - 23:44:55 PDT

I'm using XEP 4.22 inside of the DITA Open Toolkit and I'm trying to get
it to use Japanese fonts by configuring xep.xml. I have this under my
<fonts> element:

         <!-- Japanese open type font. -->
     <font-group label="Japanese Open Type" embed="false">
       <font-family name="KozminPro">
         <font><font-data otf="KozMinPr6N-Regular.otf"/></font>
         <font style="italic"><font-data
         <font weight="bold"><font-data otf="KozGoPr6N-Medium.otf"/></font>
         <font weight="bold" style="italic"><font-data

It's PDF output and the font seems to be installed on my Windows 7
machine. KozGoPr6N-Medium.otf and another similar file are in the XEP
fonts directory.

The PDF comes out with none of the Japanese characters in the original
XML files, but does display the occasional English word that is in the XML.

I get errors like this from the DITA OT:

       [xep] Processing
       [xep] [XEPJ001W][WARN] could not find any font family matching
"KozMinProVI-Regular,ArialUnicodeMS,Batang"; replaced by Helvetica

The OT's font mapping file has this:

     <physical-font char-set="Japanese">


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