I’m working with some PDF output that is displaying some Bengali text. I’m using XEP to create the PDF and I am using the Noto Sans Bengali font.
I don’t have access to a Bengali speaker at the moment, so I need to send this to the client and have it checked out, but I am just trying to account for the differences I see between the input and the output and hoping maybe someone has some experience to let me know what’s going on.
A sample of the text being displayed is: কোম্পানি
Here is a image in case that’s not coming through correctly:
This is exactly how it appears in the FO document on the way in to XEP.
However, the output looks quite different:
As you can see, apart from the font differences (my email client is using Nirmala UI and the PDF is using Noto Sans Bengali), it looks as though characters have been rearranged or altered.
If I copy and paste that text from the PDF and drop it into my text editor, then it appears the same as the original, so this is something that the PDF format is doing I think.
I don’t know anything at all about Bengali, but before I send this to the client, is there perhaps something I might have missed in configuration (XEP.xml or elsewhere) that might be causing this? Any advice appreciated.
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