RE: [xep-support] Out of memory error

From: Lori Wong (
Date: Tue Mar 25 2003 - 11:28:14 PST

  • Next message: Jim Melton: "Re: [xep-support] Out of memory error"


    Thanks! That did it.

    - Lori

    At 10:32 AM 3/25/2003, Jeff Beal wrote:
    >The Java Runtime Environment has an internal limit on how much memory it
    >will attempt to take from your OS. You need to edit the shell script or
    >batch file that came with XEP to increase this limit. For JRE's from Sun,
    >you set it using the -Xmx flag after the call to Java. In my "run.bat"
    >file, I added -Xmx1000000000 (the number is the maximum size in bytes)
    >immediately following the java.exe. XEP doesn't actually need this much
    >memory, even for processing 26MB FO files, but the JRE still only takes the
    >memory it needs.
    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: Lori Wong []
    >Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 11:41 AM
    >Subject: [xep-support] Out of memory error
    >I am attempting to render a fairly large document (on the order of 1Mb)
    >into PDF and am getting an error message from XEP (or perhaps java):
    >Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
    > <<no stack trace available>>
    >Is this due to the large file size? I processed a document about half that
    >size and it rendered fine. BTW, this is the largest file I've attempted to
    >- Lori

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