[xep-support] More on <rx:page-index>: feature request

From: Paul A. Hoadley (paulh@logicsquad.net)
Date: Thu Mar 27 2003 - 04:31:23 PST

  • Next message: Obenaus, Detlef: "[xep-support] xsl:import - split a stylesheet?"


    In my attempt to augment the DocBook XSL automatic index generation,
    I've hit a problem that I don't think I can solve with rx:key and
    rx:page-index. The DocBook DTD allows for an <indexterm> within the
    text to have a 'class' attribute which can specify 'startofrange' and
    'endofrange'. An element with the latter must also carry a 'startref'
    attribute that points to the 'id' of its corresponding 'startofrange'.
    The generated index will then contain a range of pages for an
    indexterm spanning between the two elements.

    I don't see how I can integrate this with the rx:key and rx:page-index
    extensions -- putting an rx:key in the text at the start and end of
    the range will just generate two single page references in the

    Assuming it's not achievable (and I'd be happy to be proven wrong
    there), would that be an easily implemented feature? Perhaps an
    rx:key, but also rx:startkey and rx:endkey attributes? (This may be
    naive -- overlapping ranges would be a problem, for one thing.)

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