From: David Tolpin (
Date: Thu Mar 27 2003 - 09:05:56 PST
> I think you would have a hard time selling that to most technical
> writers and professional indexers.
As well as non-WYSIWYG rendering, Unicode, XSL Formatting Objects in
general and many of the features, such as "auto" as default value
for margins and inheritance that goes through table border into table cells,
in particular.
The key is in a tool. XSL FO is a lower-level. If a higher level that
is comfortable for technical writers and professional indexers can
be provided, then it is not an obstacle; instead, it is a way to ensure
stable and predicable work of the renderer.
Neither technical writers nor professional indexers bother about stylesheets
and formatting objects. They use higher-level notions. The challenge
is to provide a mapping (on some level, either inside the language or
in a preprocessing tool). As soon as we have a clear understanding
we will implement the mapping.
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