[xep-support] fo:root cannot have non-empty text descendants?!

From: idealcms@gmx.de
Date: Sat Aug 09 2003 - 03:14:26 PDT

  • Next message: idealcms@gmx.de: "[xep-support] Only one fo:flow in fo:page-sequence allowed?"

    Hi there,
    Using renderX (anything above v3) I always get the following error message
    when creating a .fo document:

    {![error] Element 'fo:root' cannot have non-empty text descendants here.}

    Here is part of the generated .fo document. It might be of help...

    <fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format"
    xmlns:ixe="org.tzi.ideal.xalan.IdealExtension" xmlns:rx="http://www.renderx.com/XSL/Extensions">
            <fo:page-sequence master-reference="cover">
                    <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
                            <fo:block break-after="page" hyphenate="true">
                                    <fo:block color="red">
                                            KEIN TITELBLATT GEFUNDEN!
            <fo:page-sequence initial-page-number="auto-odd"
                    <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
                            <fo:block hyphenate="true">
                                    Dieser Bericht wurde im Rahmen [...]

    What does that mean? Is anything wrong with my stylesheet? If so, what is
    the scheme XEP validates against and where can I get it?

    Best regards,

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