From: Alex Peshkov (
Date: Wed Dec 03 2003 - 10:59:15 PST
Hello, Sebastian.
The same question was posted on this list just a few days ago. Let me
cite my own reply:
AP> First of all try to increase amount of memory available for Java using
AP> -Xms and -Xmx Java VM options. If those setting are already
AP> approaching the size of available RAM then an upgrade would be
AP> helpful. If upgrading hardware is not an option, you have to split you
AP> document into several chunks, process them separately and then
AP> concatenate the results.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov
SF> hi,
SF> XEP crashes with an out-of-memory error while converting large .xml (> 1MB)
SF> are there any parameters to force XEP to swap?
SF> how much RAM is supported (error occured on a 512MB machine)
SF> thx
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