From: Dr. Laurence Leff (
Date: Tue Jul 27 2004 - 18:52:52 PDT
Thanks, Mr. Stayton, for your quick response to the question on
installing and running RenderX software. I changed the
use.extensions flag to zero. It processed the g.xml
mentioned in my earlier posting and generated a PDF.
However, the same script is having trouble with other files; thus I want to
be able to use the extensions. Also, in the PDF file for
the g.xml above, the lines do not extend all the way across the second column.
The table appears to go all the weay across the page. However,
the lines for the second column are 2.5 inches. I tried putting
pgwide="0" on my informaltable call. That did not change anything.
How do I know for sure which version of the extensions to use? I know it is supposed to match the version
of SAXON. But how do I know which version of SAXON I have; I have
a Jar file lib/saxon.jar that was in the XEP directory but don't know
what version came in that directory.
These are the jar files in the docbook-xsl-1.65.1/extensions:
Perhaps Mr. Stayton or some other kind person can assist with what appears
to be the last part of the installation of the XEP RenderX software.
Dr. Laurence Leff Western Illinois University, Macomb IL 61455 ||(309) 298-1315
Stipes 447 Assoc. Prof. of Computer Sci. Pager: 309-367-0787 FAX: 309-298-2302
Secretary: eContracts Technical Committee OASIS Legal XML Member Section
<section id="grade">
<title id="grade.title">CS488 Grading Information</title>
<table frame="all" colsep="1" rowsep="1" pgwide="0"><title>table title</title>
<tgroup cols="2" align="left">
<colspec colname="grade" colwidth="2.5in"/>
<colspec colname="cutoff" colwidth="2.5in"/>
<row><entry><literal>A</literal></entry><entry>4.0 or above</entry></row>
<row><entry><literal>B</literal></entry><entry>3.0 to 4.0</entry></row>
<row><entry><literal>C</literal></entry><entry>2.0 to 3.0</entry></row>
<row><entry><literal>D</literal></entry><entry>1.3 to 2.0</entry></row>
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